Thursday, May 12, 2011

Granny fit, Day 76, Pilates back work out

So sorry You Tube cut off ten minutes of the work outagain. I am heading out of own for the day so don't have time to re-do the work out. If I were a rich man la la la la la la la- I would get a better computer, server and camera. But for now I have to deal with the frustrations of technoligy.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Granny Fit, Day 64 exercise work out

this girl can really work it, some day that will be me
It's a rainy day today. When I put the garbage out I noticed it was warmer than it has been all month, that is a welcome surprise.
Today I did a good long whole body work out. I had to edit half of the work out out of the video to fit You Tube, but I hope there is enough for you to follow along. Does any one else out there experience a burning sensation in their eyes, face, neck and head when they work on a lap top? It's beginning to worry me some.
I went back to doing my sit ups on the big yellow ball, it is easier for me- I did 100 sit ups today, hurray!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Granny Fit Day 63- Dog weight

today is a rainy day so getting up and at it was a bit mare challenging. It seems like a good day to sit by the fire with a good book sipping tea.
The face Book encouragement I got on yesterdays work out was wonderful.

<< Today's Granny Fit day 63 Video Work Out


    • Dorothy Dennis Try putting your toes under the couch and arms by your side or under your neck. Might work. lol
      19 hours ago ·

    • Linda Thiessen Thanks, perhaps if I do it that way for a while I will get the abs I need to do it right.
      19 hours ago ·

    • Robin Pettit they are highly over rated and hard on your lower back. there are much safer and more effective ways to work out your core. BTW I am a professional fitness instructor and personal trainer :)
      19 hours ago ·

    • Mike Garant go granny go'
      5 hours ago ·

    • Linda Thiessen Thanks Robin, where do you work?
      about an hour ago ·

    • Linda Thiessen My son-in-law is a body builder and says many people have the same problem with sit ups. He has to hook his feet as well. Now I don't feel so bad.
      about an hour ago ·
My dog Sassy is very interested in what I am doing on the floor so I took advantage of her presence and weight in today's work out. The rain has lit up so I will go for a brisk walk with Sassy to reward her for her help and increase my work out.
I am working the poles on election day, I will be the woman who strokes the names off the list of the voters and tally the votes for each party when the pols close. I have a book of instruction I need to memories so that is how I will spend my afternoon. Remember to be a responsible citizen and VOTE.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Granny Fit, Day 62 ABS

Day one of my Granny Fit work out

Day 62 of my Granny Fit work out
Seems no matter how hard I try I can't get my body into sit ups. When I edit the videos I can see that my body is shaped like a brick. I am not long and lean like a gymnast or dancer perhaps that contributes to my dilemma?
It's been 62 days since I started this work out exercise. I have for the most part avoided desert and cut my meal portions in half- yet I can not see much difference from the day one video and today's video.
I am beginning to wonder if it is possible to get fit in 100 days when you are over fifty?
The other thing I have noticed is I bloat up and have terrible gas after all my meals. I have seldom experienced this discomfort in the past. It gets so bad I almost dread eating.
The only time my body looks like the fitness work outs are having any effect is first thing in the morning before eating or drinking any thing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 59, Granny Fit Pilates

My dog Sassy decided she could do the work out better than I could- what do you think?

When I was sixteen I discovered Ed Allen and faithfully worked out with him every day, do you remember Ed?
I am finding the Pilates very difficult. If you watch you can see that stretching my legs out streight is a challenge. They appear to stay slightly bent at the knee no mater how streight I attempt to stretch them.
I also have trouble rolling up from the floor into a sitting position.

It is an unusually cold spring so far so I am weeks behind my gardening.
I am generally a very hard working woman but that is seasonal. Spring Summer and fall I work very hard planting maintaining, harvesting and storing food. Come winter I bake and sew through much of the cold and snow season. This sedate change causes me to stiffen up and gain weight.

I am determined to try to regain body strength and flexibility with the hope of losing some weight in the process.

The extended hours on line uploading editing and processing videos has really taken a tole on my body.

As the weather finally warms I hope to get out side more and work out in nature.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Granny Fit, day 57- Jesus's sexuality and sacrifice.

We are constantly reminded that Jesus made one sacrifice to end all sacrifices. Well I dissagree with that statement. I believe Jesuse made a life of sacrifice. Think about it. He is the son of God all powerful who visited us in the flesh John 20:17.
He had at his access te ability to produce coins from the mouth of fish- he sacrificed wealth. He was able to heal the sick and raise the dead, he sacrificed fame. He was able to calm storms, he sacrificed power he could have used to distroy his enemy with nature. Women flocked around him yet he took no wife sacrificing his sexuality. Children flocked to him but he sacrificed his right to family. He was able to raise the dead having power over death he could have post poned the cross and enjoyed long life and any every luxery mortals had to offer then in old age face the brutality of the cross- yet in his youth (I can say that of him now that I am old) he faced his accuser and made that well known and often talked about sacrifice-for you and for me. What sacrifice do we make for him

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day one of my " Granny Fit " Challenge

Day one, The first work out session

The" Granny Fit" Challenge

Recently my husband challenged my to lose 20 pounds over the next four monthes.
I have never sucessfully lost weight from dieting so decided to try a ten to fifteen minute work out every day.
To help me keep committed I am posting each fitness session on You Tube and Blogger as an accountability group.
Being a grandmother and short with big bones I tend to look boxy with a bit of a pear shape as well.
My passion for cooking and making or trying new recipes doesn't help.
The fitness challenge will really test my ability to stick to a work out program.
I hope you join me and get fit too.
Comments or suggestions are very welcome.