Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 59, Granny Fit Pilates

My dog Sassy decided she could do the work out better than I could- what do you think?

When I was sixteen I discovered Ed Allen and faithfully worked out with him every day, do you remember Ed?
I am finding the Pilates very difficult. If you watch you can see that stretching my legs out streight is a challenge. They appear to stay slightly bent at the knee no mater how streight I attempt to stretch them.
I also have trouble rolling up from the floor into a sitting position.

It is an unusually cold spring so far so I am weeks behind my gardening.
I am generally a very hard working woman but that is seasonal. Spring Summer and fall I work very hard planting maintaining, harvesting and storing food. Come winter I bake and sew through much of the cold and snow season. This sedate change causes me to stiffen up and gain weight.

I am determined to try to regain body strength and flexibility with the hope of losing some weight in the process.

The extended hours on line uploading editing and processing videos has really taken a tole on my body.

As the weather finally warms I hope to get out side more and work out in nature.

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